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Google+ Vs Facebook

Written By Hot nd spicy on Saturday, 7 April 2012 | 23:29

Google+ was created because Google sees both facebook and twitter as a threat to its own long term survival. With Apple on the other end and her Siri, also known as ‘Ask Engine’, something quick needed to be done to protect Google’s future.

Why is Facebook a threat to Google? Simple, Google’s search engine is powered by an artificial intelligence algorithm, and machine can never be smarter than his creator. Where as Facebook’s potential future search engine will be powered by humans. Every article you share or like on facebook is a vote that says – this article is good. Ultimately, an article that was shared by many people is definitely better than an article not shared by anyone. It is simply a democratic process.

Is Google+ better than Facebook? It is hard to tell, we will have to wait for a year or two to find out. Since most of my friends are actively engaged on facebook, I don’t see a reason to log into Google+ as frequently as Facebook.

For Google+ to triumph Facebook, they need a revolutionary feature. Just like how Facebook’s wall sealed MySpace and Friendster’s fate into the has been. At the time of writing, I find Google+ somewhat confusing, the layout is all over the place.

The reason why people visits Facebook more often than Google+ is the lack of importance. There is nothing to lose if you lost your facebook account, whereas Google comes with Gmail, Checkout (Credit Card), Talk and etc, you are more likely to logout and simply too lazy to log in again.

For Google+ to succeed, it needs to be separated from the other Google accounts, and not having Google+ influencing the search results means less spammers and more quality sharing.

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