Veteran actor Govinda is now taking a keen interest in his 22-year-old daughter Narmada's acting career. Narmada has chosen acting as her career and now her father aims at helping his daughter to have a smooth journey in Bollywood. However, Govinda is now launching his own production house for Narmada.
Earlier, speculations were rife that Narmada would be marking her Bollywood debut opposite boxer Vijendar Singh in Lovely Singh directorial venture, 'Manchali'. However, the project got shelved and Narmada's dream remained just a dream. However, Govinda is now ensuring to work harder on his film's script and states that he does not want to take any risk as the film would mark his daughter's entry in tinsel town.
Earlier, the 48-year-old actor was unwilling to launch his own production house as his earlier produced film 'Sukhh' bombed at the Box-office.
Earlier, speculations were rife that Narmada would be marking her Bollywood debut opposite boxer Vijendar Singh in Lovely Singh directorial venture, 'Manchali'. However, the project got shelved and Narmada's dream remained just a dream. However, Govinda is now ensuring to work harder on his film's script and states that he does not want to take any risk as the film would mark his daughter's entry in tinsel town.
Earlier, the 48-year-old actor was unwilling to launch his own production house as his earlier produced film 'Sukhh' bombed at the Box-office.
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