Actor Freida Pinto has shocked the nation after giving a seducing and bold photo shoot for a men's magazine ‘Esquire’. Apparently, Frieda without any hesitations posed with her bare body on the magazine's cover page. Before getting the photo-shoot done, Frieda even took her beau, actor Dev Patel's consent to get it done.
However, this is not the first time Frieda has donned something revealing, she earlier had delivered intimate scenes in her Hollywood films. Frieda is dating Dev from past four years and thus shares a healthy relationship with him. Frieda lately expressed a desire to experiment more with films along with beau Dev with whom she had earlier shared screen space in Oscar-nominated film 'Slumdog Millionaire'.
Recently, Frieda even admitted that acting is harder than motherhood.
However, this is not the first time Frieda has donned something revealing, she earlier had delivered intimate scenes in her Hollywood films. Frieda is dating Dev from past four years and thus shares a healthy relationship with him. Frieda lately expressed a desire to experiment more with films along with beau Dev with whom she had earlier shared screen space in Oscar-nominated film 'Slumdog Millionaire'.
Recently, Frieda even admitted that acting is harder than motherhood.
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