Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is unhappy with his forthcoming film 'Joker's filmmaker Shirish Kunder. Apparently, Akshay even verbally attacked Kunder as the filmmaker uttered severe changes in the film without taking prior consent of Akshay who plays lead role in the film. Two weeks back Kunder wrapped up entire shoot of his most ambitious venture and the film was recently showcased to Khiladi Kumar.
After watching altered changes made by his filmmaker, Akki decided to walk out of the screening. However, things were later sorted out by other crew members. The filmmaker-actor duo settled down the issues and Kunder even apologized to his actor. 'Joker' would be now releasing after Akshay Kumar's 'Rowdy Rathore' in 2D and 3D formats. 'Joker' also features Sonakshi Sinha as the female lead.
After watching altered changes made by his filmmaker, Akki decided to walk out of the screening. However, things were later sorted out by other crew members. The filmmaker-actor duo settled down the issues and Kunder even apologized to his actor. 'Joker' would be now releasing after Akshay Kumar's 'Rowdy Rathore' in 2D and 3D formats. 'Joker' also features Sonakshi Sinha as the female lead.
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