Bollywood's dimpled beauty Preity Zinta has returned to Mumbai after wrapping up first schedule of her production house debut film 'Ishqk In Paris' at Paris. The cold temperature at Paris resulted in Preity's ill health. Not only the actor turned filmmaker fell ill on the shoot, even her crew members suffered from cold during the shoot. The 'Kal Ho Na Ho' actor is now back to Mumbai and would now start shooting for the second schedule of her production venture in Mumbai itself.
The film's shooting in Mumbai would last for about a month. Meanwhile, Preity will also be looking forward to promote Jahnu Barua's shelved project 'Har Pal' with actor Shiney Ahuja. The 37-year-old actor is also looking forward to support her team Kings X1 Punjab in the upcoming IPL matches.
The film's shooting in Mumbai would last for about a month. Meanwhile, Preity will also be looking forward to promote Jahnu Barua's shelved project 'Har Pal' with actor Shiney Ahuja. The 37-year-old actor is also looking forward to support her team Kings X1 Punjab in the upcoming IPL matches.
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