So now Nithya Menon, after her Ala Modalinde success, will join Ishq Telugu movie team to work on various sequences. Let's see how this combination of Nitya Menon and Nithin works out! This Nitin, Nithya Menon Ishq Telugu movie is directed by Vikram Kumar and produced by Vikram Goud under Sreshta Media. Music is scored by Arvind Shankar, PC Sriram cranks the camera and Srikar Prasad oversees editing.
Nithya Menon, Nitin in Ishq Telugu Movie
Written By Unknown on Tuesday, 29 March 2011 | 05:04
So now Nithya Menon, after her Ala Modalinde success, will join Ishq Telugu movie team to work on various sequences. Let's see how this combination of Nitya Menon and Nithin works out! This Nitin, Nithya Menon Ishq Telugu movie is directed by Vikram Kumar and produced by Vikram Goud under Sreshta Media. Music is scored by Arvind Shankar, PC Sriram cranks the camera and Srikar Prasad oversees editing.
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