Prominent Tollywood film director, Puri Jagannath, looks busy with his upcoming film 'Nenu Na Rakshasi'. The movie is scheduled to be shot from Thursday, September 16, after the completion of its pre-production works.
The two time Nandi Award recipient director Jagannath takes credit for directing Telugu films like 'Badri', 'Idiot', 'Amma Nanna O Tamila Ammayi', 'Shivamani 9848022338', and 'Pokiri'. The upcoming film 'Nenu Na Rakshasi' starring Rana Daggubatti and actress Ileana in the lead roles, is said to hit the big screens next year in Jnauary.
The movie is likely to be made in other Indian languages- Tamil and Hindi. While Nallamalupu Bujji will produce 'Nenu Na Rakshasi', Bollywood music director duo Vishal-Shekhar is contributing a lot in music for the Telugu version.
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