Earlier, few reports suggested that actor Sanjay Dutt has been roped in by the makers of ‘Race 2’ to essay a pivotal role in their multi-starrer film that also features Anil Kapoor, John Abraham, Jacqueline Fernandez, Ameesha Patel, Deepika Padukone and Saif Ali Khan, but unfortunately he is not a part of the ensemble cast. The news has been confirmed by director duo Abbas-Mustan.
The filmmaker duo reveals ‘Sanjay was keen to be a part of the sequel. We even had couple of meetings with him but things did not work out as Sanju had all his dates occupied. So we are hoping that we will sign him for our future projects’.
Apparently, producer of the film Ramesh Taurani has claimed that he wants to make the sequel better and bigger than the prequel. The makers have already wrapped the second schedule of the action thriller film and soon would be heading with the entire cast of the film to Turkey and Cyprus to commence the shoot of the film.
The filmmaker duo reveals ‘Sanjay was keen to be a part of the sequel. We even had couple of meetings with him but things did not work out as Sanju had all his dates occupied. So we are hoping that we will sign him for our future projects’.
Apparently, producer of the film Ramesh Taurani has claimed that he wants to make the sequel better and bigger than the prequel. The makers have already wrapped the second schedule of the action thriller film and soon would be heading with the entire cast of the film to Turkey and Cyprus to commence the shoot of the film.
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