Reportedly, two Karnataka’s ministers were caught watching porn on their mobile phones while attending assembly. The incident has probably resulted in both of the minister’s resignation from their post. Apparently, few B-town celebs are responding to the incidents through micro-blogging site, Twitter. Stripping queen Poonam Pandey was the first to poke fun at the ministers by tweeting ‘ministers caught watching porn in assembly were confused souls. They heard `Get ready for erections` instead of `elections`. #HEHEHEH’.
Meanwhile, filmmaker Ram Gopal Verma passed on sarcastic remark by tweeting, ‘Ministers watching porn in the assembly is a sure sign of an emerging and shining india..jai ho’. Novelist Chetan Bhagat also poked fun on the incident by starting a tweet contest. He posted, ‘Let`s give the poor ministers some #PorngateExcuses. Will RT the best.’
Meanwhile, filmmaker Ram Gopal Verma passed on sarcastic remark by tweeting, ‘Ministers watching porn in the assembly is a sure sign of an emerging and shining india..jai ho’. Novelist Chetan Bhagat also poked fun on the incident by starting a tweet contest. He posted, ‘Let`s give the poor ministers some #PorngateExcuses. Will RT the best.’
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