Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan has apparently cancelled his trip to Berlin, where the actor was supposed to attend his last released 'Don 2's special screening at Berlin Film Festival. Apparently, 'Don 2's entire team that includes actor Priyanka Chopra, filmmaker Farhan Akhtar and Ritesh Sidhwani would be flying to Berlin to attend the special screening of the film. Meanwhile, King Khan is not keeping well and might end up in not attending the event. 'Getting fever I think...they say its in the air..which sounds kinda wrong...its in me I feel not in the air...DamN!!!', updating about his poor health Srk posted on micro-blogging site, Twitter. Meanwhile Srk also insisted his 'Don 2' team to go ahead by posting, ' @FarOutAkhtar@priyankachopra@ritesh_sid u follow all of Don’s rules to the ‘D’ & b worthy of the responsibility bestowed upon thee...' on his twitter page.
Replying back to Srk's tweet, Priyanka tweeted back '@iamsrk done! But u shud be there..Don 2 without Don!!! Booooo! Feel better soon! Will adhere to all specified rules Don!' However, insiders reveal that actor has skipped his Berlin trip just to avoid another appearance with his rumored flame Priyanka, which might upset his wife Gauri Khan. Well, now either PC or SRK will only have to clear this query. Over to you guys!
Replying back to Srk's tweet, Priyanka tweeted back '@iamsrk done! But u shud be there..Don 2 without Don!!! Booooo! Feel better soon! Will adhere to all specified rules Don!' However, insiders reveal that actor has skipped his Berlin trip just to avoid another appearance with his rumored flame Priyanka, which might upset his wife Gauri Khan. Well, now either PC or SRK will only have to clear this query. Over to you guys!
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