Power star Pawan Kalyan’s forthcoming film Panjaa is creating quite a buzz in the film industry with its innovative publicity campaign. The teaser of the movie just released on yesterday (October 26th), received applause from not only fans but also others from the industry as well. On the occasion, the producers of the film made another announcement that the audio of the film will hit stands on November 13th. They have also said that the movie is scheduled to release on December 9.
The movie is a stylish action entertainer and it is heard that Pawan Kalyan is playing a double role in the film. Ali play Pawan’s friend and the film is being directed by Vishnu Vardhan. Panjaa is being produced by Shobu Yarlagadda and Neelima Thirumala Shetty. Yuvan Shankar Raja has composed the music for the film.
Stay with us for more exciting news on Power star’s Panjaa
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