Power star pawan kalyan much hyped 'Panjaa' is ready to entertain fans with its Audio soon.The movie audio will be launched in a grand manner on November 13th at Gachchibowli indoor stadium in Hyderabad.So what is Chiranjeevi's role in it?
Here comes the story;Apparantely, few years back the AP Government had stopped issuing the permission for hosting the film related events in Gachchibowli indoor stadium. Nagarjuna’s King was the last audio function held in stadium.Panjaa producers seems to have approached Chiranjeevi, who is playing crucial role in congress government,to seek the permissions.They, reportedly, explained Chiranjeevi that they are planning a grand release and Shilpa kalavedika,regular spot for any audio release, will not be sufficient.Convinced Chiranjeevi made the arrangements in a fly , clearing all hassles for Audio release in Gachibowli stadium.
Presently the digital grading of the film is going on in Mumbai, Yuvan Shankar Raja is tuning for the title song in Chennai, and the dubbing, editing of the movie is going on in Hyderabad.
Panjaa is being directed by a Tamil director Vishnuvardhan and is being jointly produced by Tirumalasetti Neelima and Shobhu Yarlagadda. Yuvan Shankar is composing the music for this flick.
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